The postdoc association

The CRCT postdoc association was created in 2022 by Benoît Aliaga, Chloé Bessière and Steffen Fuchs. It gathers the 31 postdocs (as of March 2023) who are present in our research center. Its goal is to create scientific and social exchanges between postdocs.

Our actions


For this purpose, we have set up several activities that created a very dynamic ambiance at the CRCT:

  • A monthly meeting in the form of an afterwork get-together on the last Wednesday or Thursday of the month with a guest researcher from the Toulouse region in order to exchange on our scientific projects and get career advice
  • Welcome of new postdocs in the center in order to facilitate their integration, in particular if they are foreign or have disabilities
  • Sports and recreational activities
  • We are working to set up project exchanges with other associations/programs of postdocs in Europe.

The Young Scientist Cancer Congress (YS2C)

  • Organization of an annual young scientist congress on translational cancer research featuring presentation of postdocs and young clinician next to international renowned keynote speakers.
  • The first edition took place in Toulouse on October 5, 2023 and was an enormous success (see more).
  • We aim to create an annual congress in different sites in South-Western France.
  • We are working hard to make this event even more international and found collaboration partners in Germany. More information will follow!
  • Stay tuned for the next edition that should take place in Montpellier in October 2024.

To contact us

If you have any questions and if you wish to join us and our activities, follow us on our Twitter/X channel @Crct_Postdoc and contact us by email:


The CRCT Postdocs


This is us, the Posdocs, as March 2023. We are a very diverse and international group.


Aliaga Benoît NetB(IO)² : Network Biology for Immuno-oncology
  Aubert Yann    
Axisa Pierre-Paul GENIM : Genomic and Immunology of myeloma
Babin Loélia R’n Blood : RNA Biology in Hematologic Tumors
  Bennis Achraf    
  Bernard David    
Bessière Chloé R’n Blood : RNA Biology in Hematologic Tumors
Blanquart Eve GENIM : Genomic and Immunology of myeloma
Bunay-Noboa Julio INOV : Cholesterol Metabolism and Therapeutic Innovations
Delahaye Célia    
Devaud Christel T2i : Anti-tumour immunity and immunotherapy
Di-Luoffo Mickael SigDYN : Integrated cellular signalling and PI3K isoforms
Franchini Don-Marc NoLymIT : New Immunotherapies Against Lymphoma
Fuchs Steffen R’n Blood : RNA Biology in Hematologic Tumors
Gava Fabien NoLymIT : New Immunotherapies Against Lymphoma
Gilbert Sophie ImPACT : Innovation in pancreatic cancer therapy
Kehal Loubna MICROPANC : Microenvironnement and Therapeutic Resistance in Pancreatic Neoplasms
Khajavi Léila NetB(IO)² : Network Biology for Immuno-oncology
Khazen Roxana DynAct : Molecular dynamics of Lymphocyte Interactions
  Larrue Clément    
Leleux Philippe IGAALD : Impact of genetic alterations on acute leukemia development
Lucca Liliana GENIM : Genomic and Immunology of myeloma
Marku Malvina NetB(IO)² : Network Biology for Immuno-oncology
McKenzie Brienne DynAct : Molecular dynamics of Lymphocyte Interactions
Recoules Ludmila MICROPANC : Microenvironnement and Therapeutic Resistance in Pancreatic Neoplasms
Salvioni Anna T2i : Anti-tumour immunity and immunotherapy
Shalhoub Hala SigDYN : Integrated cellular signalling and PI3K isoforms
  Shin Sauyeun    
  Sukhorukov Valerii    
Theveniaut Hugo RADOPT : Optimising radiotherapy: from molecular signalling pathways to clinical trials
Vienne Margaux ImPACT : Innovation in pancreatic cancer therapy
Vucinic Jelena    

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Voir plus
Centre de Recherches en Cancérologie de Toulouse

Toulouse Cancer Research Center (Oncopole)

Toulouse – FR

Contact us

+33 5 82 74 15 75

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