Legal Statements
Legal Statements
Information of the bidder
Gilles Favre, Director
Agence Cosiweb
Création de sites web WordPress sur Toulouse
18, place Marnac,
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Third party sites
The CRCT Site may contain links to third party websites. These links are provided solely as convenience to the user. The CRCT cannot be held responsible for the content of any third party website and does not endorse the information , links, or updates contained therein.
Intellectual property rights
All content, designs, graphics, pictures, illustrations, software, artwork, video, sound, names, words, titles, phrases, logos and marks displayed on the CRCT website are owned by the CRCT under articles L.111-1 of the Intellectual Property Code. The files may be downloaded if they are only intended for personal use and not for any commercial usage. Any other use is strictly forbidden unless owner’s prior written consent has been granted (article L.222-5 of the IP Code).
The trademarks and logos appearing on the website are protected under article L. 711-1 of the Intellectual Property Code. They may not be used for advertising purposes without the copyright owner’s prior written consent under ‘article L713-2 of the Intellectual Property Code.

Toulouse Cancer Research Center (Oncopole)
Toulouse - FR
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+33 5 82 74 15 75
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