1st meeting of the FBI France-BioImaging Mechanobiology – Workshop @CRCT by SigDyn Team

1er meeting du Groupe de Travail du France-BioImaging (FBI) Mechanobiology, 2-3 décembre 2024, au CBI, Toulouse. L’équipe Guillermet a organisé un atelier sur gros échantillons étudiés avec la transparisation en 3D et l’Imagerie par Elastographie au CRCT et CREFRE.
The Guillermet_Lab/ SigDYN, as part of the FBI Working Group in Mechanobiology, organised the 1st meeting which took place over 2 days at the CBI (conferences) and other sites for workshops. In addition, the team proposed the workshop « Imaging the 3D cellular effects and rigidity of confinement in oncology: Application in pancreatic cancer ».
This practical workshop was composed by 2 parts : development of 3D in vitro model (clearing techniques) and imaging of in vivo model (Shear Wave Elastography). Pancreatic cancer cells were grown in 3D at different time points leading to different size of spheroids. Confinement is mimicked through embedding in hydrogels.
The Aixplorer SWE technology was provided by CREFRE/Anexplo service.
The interactions and discussions during the seminars and all the workshops were very insightful bringing the projects and the mechanobiology community closer together.
Keywords : 3D imaging, Tissue Clearing, Spheroids, Pancreatic Tumors, Shear Wave Elastography, Compressive constraints
More : https://france-bioimaging.org/announcement/journees-du-gt-mecanobiologie-fbi/
Contact : Romina D’Angelo

Toulouse Cancer Research Center (Oncopole)
Toulouse - FR
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