Myeloma is a bone marrow cancer that accounts for just over 10% of haematological cancers, with a median age at diagnosis of 70 years. Some so-called high genetic risk patients have a particularly poor prognosis.

We have recently shown that early relapse of the disease, i.e. within 18 months of diagnosis, is systematically associated with a poor prognosis, despite the availability of increasingly effective salvage treatments. In 60% of these patients, no known prognostic genomic marker was present in the tumour DNA analysed.

The GAMER project aims to identify these as yet unknown abnormalities by high throughput sequencing. Knowing how to systematically identify all patients at risk of early relapse as soon as they are diagnosed would allow us to immediately focus on the strongest and most appropriate therapeutic solutions: a few steps ahead of the disease and therefore better chances for patients.

The GAMER project is coordinated by Dr Jill CORRE and Dr Aurore PERROT. It has received support of 100 000 € from the Toulouse Cancer Health Foundation.

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